Saturday, April 23, 2011

Update on Cloth Diapers

I love the cloth baby diapers I bought before we moved to Indonesia. They have worked out really well. I bought 12 of the regular diapers and 2 of the night time diapers. My daughter hasn't seemed to mind the transition from disposables to cloth diapers. Additionally, she tells me when she is wet or stinky because she can feel it. I think that will make potty training just a little bit easier.

So disposable diapers are available here in Jakarta as well as pull-ups. However, western brands such as Huggies and Pampers are not of the same quality as they are in the U.S. They contain more plastic. I have used a S.E. Asian brand called Mama Poko that is manufactured in Thailand I think. I use those just for when we are headed out of the house for an extended period of time.

I wish I would have used the fitted cloth diapers a long time ago. When my oldest was a baby, I tried the pre-folded kind using the safety pins and that just never worked all that well. I don't know why I never tried again. I guess the infant potty-training ended up working well so I didn't bother.

In retrospection, it would have worked really well to combine the infant potty-training with the cloth diapers. I think I would have saved a lot of money plus spared the landfill of some disposable diapers.