Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cloth Baby Diapers

So I have been thinking about potty-training my youngest now for a couple of months since she turned 2. We are also moving to Indonesia in a few weeks so I thought it might be best to wait until we've moved to begin potty-training. I hate using disposable diapers and I think pull-ups are just as bad and more expensive than diapers. On recommendation from a friend, I ordered the Kawaii baby diapers from site. They are very reasonably priced, environmentally friendly, and received very positive reviews. The diapers are good for kids from newborn (8lbs. to 36 lbs.). My youngest currently weighs around 27 lbs. so I think these should be good for awhile.

I just didn't want to mess with disposable diapers anymore for a variety of reasons. When we went to Taiwan, I had a hard time finding diapers except at a few large grocery stores. They were also very expensive. I didn't even see training pants. I'm not sure diapers or training pants are readily available and I know that they would be expensive. Hopefully in the long term, the cloth diapers will be a good investment. I think DH is skeptical, but I will post again about this once I receive the diapers and start my baby on them. I have high hopes that this will be a good thing. I have a lot of friends that use cloth diapers and love them. If this works out and we end up having more kids, I think I may use the infant potty-training in conjunction with the cloth diapers. It seems like a good combination...both for financial reasons and for environmental reasons as well.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Adventure

 I will soon be living in Jakarta, Indonesia. I am nervous about the upcoming move yet also curious as to what life will be like living outside of the U.S.